
£30 - £215

It is one of the most effective medication which deals in erectile dysfunction in males. The tablets are manufactured by Ajanta Pharma and contain an active ingredient Sildenafil Citrate. The flow of the blood into the phallus increases and the results are long lasting.

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Manufactured by Ajanta Pharma

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It is one of the most effective medication which deals in erectile dysfunction in males. The tablets are manufactured by Ajanta Pharma and contain an active ingredient Sildenafil Citrate. The flow of the blood into the phallus increases and the results are long lasting. From the bold erections to the stimulating effects of the intimacy process, everything becomes super fast and super strong. With us, you will be provided with the best of the products in the most affordable prices.

How to take Eriacta Tablets

  1. It is always advisable to take the pills after reading all the instructions carefully.
  2. It is suggested not to intake more than 100 mg of the Kamagra UK tablets within 24 hours.
  3. The effect lasts for 5-6 hours and it becomes active within 45 minutes.
  4. The patients must intake the tablet with a large glass of water.
  5. The fatty meals should be prevented in case you are all set to take the meal.
  6. Furthermore, it is suggested not to intake alcohol even in smaller amounts if you are going on a medication.

Some common side effects of Eriacta Tablets Online

  1. Erection longer than 4 hours
  2. Severe decrease or loss of vision or loss of hearing
  3. Visual inabilities
  4. Nauseas feeling
  5. Visual impairments
  6. Vomiting
  7. Headaches

When not to take it?

It is suggested that the patients should not take the Kamagra medicine, in case,

  1. If they are suffering from heart problems
  2. If they have experienced any strokes in the past
  3. If they have any cardiac problems or cardiovascular diseases
  4. If they have problems like high blood pressure or hypertension or hypotension
  5. If they have HIV

The patients should also not combine the following while on medication-

  1. Nitroglycerin and Nitroprusside medicines
  2. Amyl Nitrate
  3. Taking Organ Donor Recipient medicines
  4. Azole antifungal medicines taken orally

How to Buy Eriacta Tablets?

The patients must take the tablet when it is required to be taken or as recommended under prescription or by the doctor. It should not be taken more than once in a day. It is always suggested to take the table one hour before the sexual intercourse and the effect lasts for about four to six hours. Without the sexual stimulation or arousal the tablet will not work. You can buy the tablets online at one click of the mouse in order to get the benefits of the tablets in the most appropriate manner.

Additional information


4 – Eriacta Tablets 100mg, 8 – Eriacta Tablets 100mg, 12 – Eriacta Tablets 100mg, 16 – Eriacta Tablets 100mg, 20 – Eriacta Tablets 100mg, 24 – Eriacta Tablets 100mg, 28 – Eriacta Tablets 100mg, 32 – Eriacta Tablets 100mg, 36 – Eriacta Tablets 100mg, 40 – Eriacta Tablets 100mg, 44 – Eriacta Tablets 100mg, 48 – Eriacta Tablets 100mg, 52 – Eriacta Tablets 100mg, 56 – Eriacta Tablets 100mg, 60 – Eriacta Tablets 100mg, 64 – Eriacta Tablets 100mg, 68 – Eriacta Tablets 100mg, 72 – Eriacta Tablets 100mg, 76 – Eriacta Tablets 100mg, 80 – Eriacta Tablets 100mg, 84 – Eriacta Tablets 100mg, 88 – Eriacta Tablets 100mg, 92 – Eriacta Tablets 100mg, 96 – Eriacta Tablets 100mg, 100 – Eriacta Tablets 100mg, 200 – Eriacta Tablets 100mg, 300 – Eriacta Tablets 100mg, 400 – Eriacta Tablets 100mg, 500 – Eriacta Tablets 100mg, 1000 – Eriacta Tablets 100mg


£0.53, £0.58, £0.62, £0.67, £0.68, £0.71, £0.72, £0.75, £0.78, £0.80, £0.81, £0.82, £0.83, £0.87, £0.89, £0.91, £1, £1.06


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  1. The tablets are designed for the effective treatment of the erectile dysfunction.
  2. The intimacy process is improved.
  3. The sexual pleasure is increased.
  4. The tablets help in growth and development of the intimacy process.
  5. More pleasure will be added to the sexual intimacy process.
  6. The stamina is increased.
  7. The couples will reach the zenith in terms of pleasure.
  8. The problem of premature ejaculation is solved.
  9. Get ready to boost up your happiness with this tablet.
  10. It helps in increasing the sexual stamina as well.

Checked By: MIKE MATHEW (Sexual Health Expert)
Checked Date: 02-Sep-2022
Next Check Due: Sep-2022