What is Impotence?

Impotence is the condition when a man persistently finds difficulty in achieving or maintaining an erection of his penis which is satisfying for the sexual intercourse. In short, it can say it’s the inability to achieve ejaculation.


Impotence is the condition when a man persistently finds difficulty in achieving or maintaining an erection of his penis which is satisfying for the sexual intercourse. In short, it can say it’s the inability to achieve ejaculation.

It is also known as the name of Erectile Dysfunction or ED. This is a common condition and mostly affects the man of age between 40 to 70 years.

Though this is not a life-threatening stage, it affects the standard life of sufferers and his partners. Under this situation, a man regularly suffers from stress, relationship strain, and low self-confidence.

The main symptom of Impotence is man’s insufficiency to get or retain an erection firm sufficient for sexual intercourse and lack of sexual desire.

What are the causes of Impotence?

Impotence occurs due to various reasons both on the physical and psychological level. Five common causes are:

1) Endocrine Diseases– Some hormones are produced by the endocrine system of our body that regulate metabolism, reproduction, sexual function and many more. Diabetes is one of the endocrine diseases that cause impotence by impairing blood flow and hormone levels.

2) Neurological and Nerve Disorders– Neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, stroke, temporal lobe epilepsy etc. are associated with impotence. Nerve conditions make the brain incapable to communicate with the reproductive system and this prevents a man to achieve an erection.

3) Taking Medications– There are certain medicines which can cause impotence by affecting blood flow. These are Alpha-adrenergic blockers, cancer chemotherapy medications, central nervous system depressants such as cocaine, synthetic hormones and many more. But few medicines are very important for your life so don’t stop it without consulting with your doctor even if it causes impotence.

4) Cardiac-Related Conditions– Under some conditions, the heart becomes incapable to pump blood properly and due to lack of sufficient blood flow to the penis, it’s not possible to achieve an erection.

5) Lifestyle Factors and Emotional Disorders– It’s very essential to go through an exciting phase to attain an erection. But a person who suffers from depression, anxiety or any mental disorder has the highest risk of impotence.

How can Impotence be cured?

Impotence can be cured with various treatments including prescribed medicines, natural remedies, and lifestyle changes.

Natural Cures, Medicines & Foods

People who want natural remedies and want to avoid prescribed medicines can take following fruitful measures:

  • Add Acupuncture to your routine
  • Having Pomegranate Juice
  • Ginseng consumption
  • Sound sleep
  • Exercising more and maintain healthy diet
  • Say no to smoking, alcohol or drugs
  • Reducing anxiety by doing meditation and yoga
  • Maintaining strong communication with your lovable one.


Impotence can affect the quality of person’s life and can have a negative impact on their sex life. But precautions and treatment at the right time can help in regaining their sexual function.
Always make clear communication with your life partner and don’t hesitate to consult with the doctor if it happens consistently.

Checked By: MIKE MATHEW (Sexual Health Expert)
Checked Date: 30-Jan-2019
Next Check Due: Jan-2019