Premature ejaculation can disturb your sexual life

One of the most common sexual problem that most of the men face in their life is premature ejaculation, early climax or rapid ejaculation. Premature ejaculation happens when a person ejaculates before his partner’s orgasm.

Premature Ejaculation

As per the statistical report, it can affect around 25 percent to 40 percent men. In 80 percent of men, you will find 110% of them suffering from premature ejaculation.

If one ejaculates within just two minutes of the penetration, then he has this issue. It can affect your sex life very badly. It can develop distress and interpersonal difficulty between you and your partner. The man will feel dissatisfaction as he cannot able to hold the maximum pleasure that derives from sexual contact for a long time and on the other side, his partner will also feel dissatisfied for not being able to achieve sexual peak.

This condition can lead to loss of men’s masculinity and confidence in their sexual life. The will feel misunderstood due to frustration or humiliation. Well, it has been seen that many men occasionally suffer from premature ejaculation during sexual activities. But if PE happens frequently with you, then it is high time to take necessary steps for this.

As per science, premature ejaculation is a condition where the man achieves orgasm in around 120 seconds or 2 minutes after vaginal incursion. Other define this based on the number of penile thrusts. For the less than 9 to 16 thrusts before ejaculation is treated as PE. If the situation occurs on a regular basis, then you may be suffering from PE.

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 What can cause premature ejaculation?

Even though, the medical science has been witnessed many developments, till now it has not cleared informed about causes of premature ejaculation. Earlier, it was believed that the condition was related to some psychological issues, not with biological causes. Well, there are many symptoms which can show that the man has premature ejaculation condition.

In medical science, PE has been divided into two parts one is the primary PE, and another one is the secondary PE. If the man has the PE condition throughout the entire sexual activities for a long time, then that will be treated as primary ejaculation situation. The secondary premature ejaculation condition is when that man develops PE later after affected by several causes.

Most of the men are now suffering from this stage of premature ejaculation. As you know that ejaculation is a reflex action triggered after a certain level of sexual stimulation. If you can control the reflex activity, you can achieve the perfect moment of ejaculation. The causes for PE are divided into psychological and biological causes.

Psychological Causes of PE

Early sexual experiences:
A good percentage of young men reach orgasm too quickly, and with time the chances started increasing.

Stress and anxiety:
Stress related to a man’s sexual performance can lead to premature ejaculation.

Fear of erectile dysfunction:
The pattern of rushing for ejaculation is difficult to change.

Biological Causes

  • Abnormal hormone levels.
  • Less amount of neurotransmitter serotonin.
  • Abnormal activity of ejaculatory system.
  • Thyroid issues.
  • Inherited traits and more.

However, this condition is still increasing in men, and they should take proper steps to eliminate such issues to strengthen their sexual life with their partner.

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Checked By: MIKE MATHEW (Sexual Health Expert)
Checked Date: 17-Jun-2019
Next Check Due: Jun-2019