Viagra is a generic medication used to treat erectile dysfunction in men. Erectile dysfunction is a condition in men which makes them unable to maintain a healthy erection at the time of sexual intercourse. 

It contains the active ingredient sildenafil citrate. The same component is found in Kamagra tablets because of their effective properties in the treatment of ED. The drug belongs to a class of phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors. 

Viagra generally comes in the form of tablets that are ingested through the mouth. It works by increasing the blood flow to the penis, which helps men to keep a prolonged erection. The viagra tablets are to be taken an hour before the sexual activity. 

Can females take Viagra? How Does Viagra Work? 

Since the primary purpose of consuming viagra is to cure ED in men, it is generally not recommended for women. The FDA ( Food and Drug Administration) does not prescribe viagra to women for its usage and consumption. However, it is sometimes prescribed to women off-label. On the contrary, it does not show the same results in treating female sexual disorders. 

In men, the mechanism of action of viagra works by relaxing smooth muscles in the penis. This increases an increased blood supply to the penis resulting in a healthy erection. It works the same way in women, but the effects are comparatively less visible.

It amplifies the blood flow to the clitoris and the labia of the vagina. This arises sensations and increases lubrication which may help some women to enhance the experience of sexual arousal and obtain an orgasm. This works efficiently for women who are in their menopause and experience vaginal dryness. Moreover, viagra is not prescribed to women because it hasn’t shown consistent benefits for the same. 

Viagra Dosage By Weight – How To Take Viagra For Best Results?

There is no typical dosage for consuming viagra as it entirely depends on several factors. Just like, men of different age groups will require to take viagra differently or depending on the cause, its consumption may vary. 

Not everyone takes viagra to treat ED, some wish to have a healthy erection. In that case, the recommended dosage for men between the age bracket 18-64 years old is 50 mg. 

Men over 65 years of age should include a lower dosage of viagra into their system, which is 25 mg. Some men who are suffering a lot of problems in maintaining difficulties can even take 100mg of viagra to expect fast and better results. 

In most cases, viagra takes up to 30 to 60 minutes to work, but it may go till 2 hours in some men. Which, by the way, is completely normal. 

How Long Does Viagra Last? 

There is no direct answer to this question because this also depends on different body types and their mechanism. Factors such as your age, overall health, and what is in your stomach decide how long viagra can last in your body. 

Generally, it shows its effects for up to 4 hours in your system. There are a few who claim that its effects can be seen only for 3 hours. Whereas some reports suggest that viagra, in some circumstances, can last up to 5 hours. 

What is the alternative to Viagra? 

Viagra is an age-old medication, but over time, its usage has been limited in individuals. This is because there are so many other alternatives to viagra which are more or similarly effective. Not only this, just like Kamagra UK, they are cost-effective and are priced way less than generic medication. 

Now, it’s obvious why people will prefer to continue with the same drug which is high priced when there are so many alternatives available. Kamagra can be used by men in the form of Kamagra tablets and Kamagra oral jellies. This provides customers with more ease and a better experience without having to face any difficulty. 

Checked By: MIKE MATHEW (Sexual Health Expert)
Checked Date: 09-Jun-2022
Next Check Due: Jun-2022