In the era where sexual activities and the duration of the activity are discussed so openly, we should come out with certain hush-hush topics. So, starting with one most common question one gets is “how long do they last?” As fun as it may sound, this question can somehow turn into a negative one. We usually don’t know how and what other people face. 

The problems you face in a relationship are not always emotional; they can be sexual. The sexual disorders in both men and women reach a point where it starts affecting their relationship. In fact, research says that many relationships are ruined because of sexual tensions. Let’s start with erectile dysfunction, which is one of the men’s most common sexual disorders. This disorder reduces the duration of an erection. The person cannot hold the erection for the required time and fails to satisfy their partner in bed. 

Viagra- The Popular Solution

We all have heard about viagra. Sarcastically and medically.

Viagra has the active ingredient sildenafil, which improves the sexual capabilities of men. Viagra is a medication that multiplies the time duration of an erection in men. The medication is responsible for increasing the blood flow to your penile area. Although no research has definitely stated that viagra treats sexual disorders. Perhaps, people who have experienced the effects of the medication claim otherwise. 

Like any other medication, viagra should not be taken in excess. The onset time of viagra is around 30 minutes to an hour. If it doesn’t kick in soon enough, you need to stimulate an erection. Overdosing on the medication for an early effect can give you severe headaches and other side effects. One of the side effects of overdosing on viagra is priapism. It means the person can have an erection for 4 hours which is painful. 

Many doctors suggest using viagra but in limited amounts. It is known to be an amazing treatment for sexual disorders like erectile dysfunction. Now, people who are unable to consume viagra can look for alternatives to the medication. Are there any quality alternatives to viagra? Well, read more to know. 

Is There An Alternative Solution?

Is that even a question? We live in a world where healthcare has crossed all limits and is growing by the second. When sexual disorders are a concern, we have many solutions to the issue. Kamagra is one of the most approached and trusted solutions to erectile dysfunction. Simply put, Kamagra is a quality alternative to viagra. 

When you buy Kamagra online in the UK, you get to know about its effects. Kamagra is known to help people maintain their erection for a longer time.

So, the answer to the burning question is, yes, Kamagra helps you last longer in bed. However, many factors affect the longevity of your erection. It can be your metabolism or how strong the sexual stimulation is. 

Where to Buy? 

If you wish to buy Kamagra, make sure you look for authorized stores for the same. Kamagra Store London delivers fine-quality medications for different conditions. We have an in-depth knowledge of medications which we like to pass on to our customers. Contact us for more information. 

Checked By: MIKE MATHEW (Sexual Health Expert)
Checked Date: 22-Jul-2022
Next Check Due: Jul-2022